What to Expect at a Worship Service
We know that visiting a new church can feel awkward and we want to make it as comfortable as possible for you. So here are some things to know about this service.
When you entered the sanctuary (worship space) you were probably given a folded paper. We call this the bulletin, and it contains the outline of the service you are attending. Use this paper to follow along. It gives you the order of the service, unison readings and tells you where to find the songs that we will sing together. It may also let you know when to stand— but don’t worry, the Pastor will let everyone know what to do.
Prelude, Welcome, Call to Worship and Invocation
This is how we normally start our service. The music and words are the way we gather ourselves for worship.
Our tradition includes music. We often have two songs each week. They are printed inside the bulletin.
Scripture lessons and Sermon:
There is a Bible in the pews if you want to read along. The sermon invites us to connect the readings to our lives and our faith.
The prayer is led by one of the Pastors and we usually join together saying the Lord’s Prayer (words are in the bulletin.)
This is where we share our resources for the church and the community. As a visitor there is NO obligation to give. Your presence with us is already a gift.
Once a month we share in the Lord’s Supper. Directions will be printed in the bulletin. You are welcome to participate.
This is a blessing as we go on our way and start our week.
If you are here for a wedding, funeral or a memorial service, the bulletin will be your guide to the service as well. If the family has asked to have communion (The Lord’s Supper or Eucharist) as a part of the service, we believe that we eat at Christ’s table and, since it is His table, no one is excluded. ALL are welcome.
Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house. Participate in the worship and quietly explain parts of the service to your children. Children have great questions, and they learn by copying you. If you need to leave the service, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” A basket of children’s books and coloring materials is located in the back of the church. Help yourself! We know that the way we welcome children into the church affects the way they respond to church, to faith and to one another. The presence of children is a gift to the church.
CCOL holds one service each Sunday at 10:00am, followed by coffee hour.
Nursery Care
Nursery Care is provided at the 10:00am service.
Sunday School
Children preschool through 8th grade attend the first portion of the worship service in the sanctuary with their families, and then depart for Sunday School and Middle School Youth Group after Children’s Time except on Communion Sundays (first Sunday of the month).
On Communion Sunday, children go directly to Sunday School and join the congregation for Communion in the sanctuary.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion on the first Sunday of each month throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to partake. We offer bread and communion wafers (for those with allergies) andgrape juice & water.