We also encourage children to join in, musically, through either of the two children’s choirs. The overarching goals here are to learn the hymns of the church, learn to sing, learn to read music and make new friends. Additionally, the Junior Choir is learning to sing in harmony.

The children’s choirs sing about once a month in the service and occasionally, sing in conjunction with the Senior Choir. We divide the groups by age as follows:


Grades K to 2 rehearse Sunday, 11:30 till noon


Grades 3 to 6 rehearse Sunday, noon till 12:45


Join the rest of the CCOL family for this pick-up choir which sings once a month. There is only a warm-up the morning of the performance which is typically the second Sunday of the month. Watch for the announcement in the parish newsletter and Thursday blast to know when the next time will be and then show up to sing a familiar song with children, high schoolers, grandparents, anyone who is interested. Most recently, anyone interested was given a hand chime to ring during the song. Be on the lookout the next time to sing a “partner song.” This is truly about having fun making music.


Rehearsal: Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the parish hall.

Senior Choir is the main performing ensemble at CCOL. We welcome anyone high school age or older, who is interested in singing with the group, to join. There is no audition.

Currently, we range in age from the 20’s through the 80’s and on a typical Sunday, we number about 15. Typically, we sing mixed, four-part harmony (SATB). Musical selections come from as many styles and historical periods as possible with no emphasis, other than quality, on any particular style. The goal this year is to increase our repertoire of Spirituals and present a major work in the Fall.


CCoL welcomes anyone teen and above to join our Seasonal Choirs which have rehearsals for the few weeks leading up to the Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas seasons.

The Seasonal Choirs have typically rehearsed on a weeknight at 7:00 p.m.  For the past Easter season we sang on Palm Sunday, Easter, and at least one other Sunday during Lent. Any teens or adults who can carry a tune a short distance and sing “Happy Birthday” in a group without causing alarm are welcome! A core of experienced singers help those who are new. Choir is an opportunity for fun and fellowship as we learn about singing, note-reading, and the rich treasury of church music, old and new. Most important, these choirs contribute to worship services by offering our songs of praise and prayer. Be part of the joy, and join us!

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